The Music ÌNIN of One Earth Choir
1. LISTENING to the Music ÌNIN
We participants create the One Earth Choir
when we meet online while LISTENING
to the Music ÌNIN that represents our Humanity,
incredibly UNITED in the same moment on our Planet,
on the same day,
at the same time,
surprisingly TOGETHER,
while we are in different places and in cities spread all over the Earth.
The Music we will share will be streamed live each year on ‘One Earth Choir Day’ in February, on
You can listen to the Music ÌNIN in the section 3 here below.
2. Our Musical Director is a Scientist
The world renowned Scientist and System Thinker, twice Nobel-Peace Prize Nominee, Prof. Dr Ervin Laszlo, is the Musical Director of the One Earth Choir.

Message by Prof. Dr. Ervin Laszlo to the One Earth Choir
3. The Music ÌNIN
Here you can listen to a Choir and Orchestra performing the Music ÌNIN of One Earth Choir
4. For those who wish to SING or PLAY the Music ÌNIN
The Music ÌNIN was written by Anna Bacchia, in dialogue with Musicians from the Earth.
There are two different scores: a four-voiced score for Choir or Orchestra, and a one-voice score for solo voice or instrument.
● The Four-Voiced Score for Choir or Orchestra
Download the Score
● The Score for Solo Voice or Solo Instrument
Download the Score
- simple melody for children – dowload pdf
- solo voice – download pdf
- C-Instruments – download pdf
- G-Instruments – download pdf